We are growing plants
The best time for plant propagation is spring and summer, because when it is warm outside and there is a lot of sunlight, plant cuttings will start growing roots much faster and the new growth points will activate. Therefore, if you plan to cut your plants and propagate them, this is the right time to do it.
You can root the cut cuttings in water, in moist perlite https://augi-plants.lv/products/perlits-1l , sfagnu sūnās https://augi-plants.lv/products/kaltetas-sfagnu-sunas go to the ground https://augi-plants.lv/products/premium-telpaugu-augsne Choose the rooting method according to your conditions and the type of plant. For example, in the summer my plants root very well in water, but in the winter I root the plants only in wet perlite and under plant lamps. Likewise, each plant has its own nuances for rooting, for example, in Monstera Deliciosa Variegata we put only the aerial root in water, but we do not put the part of the stem of the cutting in water, because this Monster has a tendency for the stem to rot, especially in winter, if the cuttings are rooted.
It is interesting that other growers recommend putting a Pothos Golden cutting in a glass of water when rooting the cuttings, and then all the cuttings in the glass will take root much faster. Did you know about this?
If you have any other questions about plant care, apply for a consultation and I will gladly help you with advice so that you can take care of your houseplants like a professional in the future. https://augi-plants.lv/products/attalinata-konsultacija